Chiropractic Care Created Precisely For You

When you need chiropractic care in the DMV area, Dr. E’rika Brock is the right choice. She is a board-certified and licensed chiropractor in Temple Hills, MD, and has been helping patients with injury recovery and spinal alignment issues since 2006. Her chiropractic education started with a Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences and later a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Logan University.

DMV area patients visit Dr. Brock for help with auto injuries, work injuries, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Workplace injuries can happen gradually from repetitive movements that put stress on the body, particularly the lower back. Auto injuries can hurt any part of the body, but the most common problems patients deal with are whiplash and concussions. Sports injuries can range from inflammation to sprains and strains to tennis elbow. Back pain may result from a pulled muscle or repetitive wear as a damaged disc puts pressure on your sciatic nerve. When you visit Dr. Brock, she will assess your situation and see which of her various techniques is best for you.

When you visit your chiropractic expert in Temple Hills, MD, your treatment plan may include manual or activator adjustments and various soft tissue therapies. Spinal manipulation can get your spine properly aligned, which can have several benefits, including better mobility, less muscle tension, and reduction or elimination of nerve pain. Soft tissue therapies include massage techniques, therapeutic ultrasound, cold lasers, and electrical stimulation therapy. 

Dr. Brock is proud to use her chiropractic expertise to help patients live a healthy lifestyle, recover from injuries, and enjoy ongoing preventative care. Thanks to her range of techniques, optimal health and release from chronic pain may be within your reach. For a trained chiropractic specialist in Temple Hills, MD, call the office at 301-485-0047 today.

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Office Hours


9:00 AM-8:00 PM


9:00 AM-8:00 PM


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-8:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 PM


9:00 AM-1:00 PM

